At Wargame Portal, we strive to offer the best value and service to our customers, including free shipping on qualifying orders. However, some items are exempt from free shipping thresholds due to vendor restrictions. These products are shipped directly from the vendor, bypassing our fulfillment system.
How Free Shipping Works
Free shipping is available when your cart contains at least $65 of product sold in our store directly (see below)
All 3D Printed Terrain qualifies for free shipping regardless of cart value. However, if a cart includes both 3D Printed Terrain and other items, the standard free shipping rules mentioned above will apply to the non-terrain items.
Items Exempt from Free Shipping
The following brands handle their own shipping logistics, which means their products are not eligible for free shipping through Wargame Portal, regardless of order size:
- Baron of Dice
- Magnet Baron
- Grey Matter Gaming
- Tabletop Stronghold
- Titans Terrain
- Trekkel Art Supplies
- All Hazardous Shipments (Spray Paints, Enamel Washes, Thinners, Glues etc)
Why the Exemption?
Vendor-shipped items follow different shipping policies, ensuring the highest quality and quickest fulfillment from their specialized warehouses. This allows us to expand our offerings without compromising on service.
Hazardous shipments require more care, placarding and approvals. We cannot ship them for free.ย
If you have questions about shipping costs for these items or anything else, feel free to contact our support team at We're here to help!